
An Historic Day

Yesterday, August 2, 2023, was an historic day. Finally federal felony charges were brought against a former, still very politically active president--in addition to two former active indictments and one more likely to come very soon. Yes, it’s about time. The outcome, a guilty verdict and the prevention of his ever becoming president again, is, however, still very far from certain. At least 30% of the electorate are supporters—in many cases ardent supporters, of a man who should never have become president. His shameless lies are taken to be shining truths by those still under his spell.

I would like to make the obvious clear: I am recording this historic event on my blog not as a pundit, but as an average American—why am I convinced that this news is so terrible?

One thing that has held our republic together for over two centuries is the peaceful transfer of power of the executive branch. Democrats might vociferously oppose Republicans, and vice versa, but if a presidential candidate of the opposing party gains more votes in an election, the losing party concedes and congratulates the victor once the final results have come in. I have witnessed this process many times in my long life; the 2020 election results were a glaring exception. Trump lost, yet—to this date!—not only has he refused to admit it, but without any justification whatsoever, declared himself the winner.

It would be as if, back on October 8, 1981, when the L.A. Dodgers defeated the Yankees and thus clinched the World Series, the Yankees manager at the time, Bob Lemon, refused to admit the result, and proclaimed to the TV cameras after the game: “The Dodgers didn’t win 9-2, we did!” He would have been laughed into an early retirement.

Trump might not be laughing—he looks so angry, he looks so sad—but he still might get the last laugh, potentially upending our democracy. This is serious! Our democracy really is in danger.

Are there extenuating circumstances why Trump refuses to concede? There might be psychological reasons. If this is the case, however, Trump is much more of a pathological narcissist than usually thought.

The reasoning here is as follows: Trump cannot accept defeat. It would destroy the illusory superhero self-identifcation that his narcissism created. Even though he knew he had lost, something inside refused to believe it.

Did Hitler know it was morally wrong to  invade Poland in 1939? Of course he  did. Did he invade Poland nevertheless? Of course he did. Remember what  a monk said to Torquemada, the father of the Inquisition, in Mel Brooks famous film? “Hey, Torquemada, what do you say?” “I just been to an auto da fe!!” “An auto da fe, what’s an auto da fe?” “It’s what you oughtn’t to do, but you do anyway!”

To insist that he won the 2020 election; to insist this despite the fact that he was well informed that he had lost; to claim--even now--that the election was stolen; to continue.

To ignore that all sixty cases of alleged fraud have been rejected; to continue to insist that he won, despite most probably knowing, deep down there, that he lost, argues for a pathological etiology. No president in the history of the United States ever tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after an election. This is much more serious than Watergate. Trump is truly sui generis. 

It might be that Torquemada-Trump can’t help what he is doing for psychological reasons—I’m not sure—but even if this is so, this wouldn’t constitute a legal excuse. The damage he has done and is doing to our country demands accountability. Let’s hope this third indictment--with a fourth likely coming soon—will eventually put an end to all this. 

Yes, let’s hope so—and let’s vote so!




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