
Twilight of the gods?

I have been listening to the testimony of Dr. Blasey Ford today, and found her account of her assault to be very credible indeed. But I have had enough--the hearings are still taking place as I write this, but I repeat: I've had enough. The hearings are a farce. The  committee of senators, dominated by Republicans, refuses to have an FBI investigation of the claims made by Dr. Ford, as well as of those of other women who have made accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. In addition, the senators, dominated by Republicans, refuse to permit--or in Mr. Judge's case, demand--testimony of persons who would be able to corroborate or disprove Dr. Ford's testimony. 

Even if some of the Republicans truly believe that this is a smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh, suspiciously brought up "at the last moment," one has to, or at the very least, one is obliged by a sense of decency to investigate Dr. Ford's  claims. 

Furthermore, the fact that the Republicans choose not to question Dr. Ford directly, but have deferred this task to a prosecutor--(Female? of course!)--reveals them to be the cowards that they are.

I repeat: the hearings are a farce. It's as if a victim of sexual abuse by a priest had to present his case before a committee that consisted entirely of bishops. 

If the Republicans are able to railroad through a confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, it will be but one more example of the serious damages the Republicans, from the President on down, have been inflicting on our country. 

Enough is enough! I think it likely that Kavanaugh will be confirmed, but even if he is, I predict that this will be a Pyrrhic victory.

I am cautiously optimistic about the good this will do for women, although I am less optimistic about the good this will do for working-class women and men.

Why am I cautiously optimistic in the first regard? Women have had enough. They are energized; there are many female candidates running as Democrats, etc.

It is an obvious fact that women are every bit as capable as men in virtually everything except fathering a child. They are not going back to the kitchen. It is inevitable--and a very good thing-- that capable women will obtain coveted positions. To do that, it is absolutely necessary that they be treated as equals.

There are signs--better late than never--of a much overdue decrease of support for Trump among women. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, this tendency should continue apace.

My view is that the Republicans know that their behavior--that is, their unwavering support for Kavanaugh--will cost them at the polls in November. I believe they are willing to take a beating in order to get their man on the Supreme Court. I am convinced that they are much less concerned with such things as abortion rights as they are with having a man on the Court who will favor corporate rights over workers' rights. Yes, it's always about money and power, but it's not always completely about money and power--there is such a thing as decency; if Republicans get their way, however, it would come very close to being about money and power and about nothing else. 

Why am I less optimistic regarding the working class? If confirmed, Kavanaugh will attempt to do to workers, metaphorically, what he has almost certainly done to Dr. Ford: attempt to screw them. While still presenting himself as a man of integrity? You betcha.

Dr. Ford states that she suffered years of anxiety and shame from what happened to her. She deserves our utmost respect and sympathy. Without diminishing that sympathy, we must extend our support for countless workers who are losing their health care; who are willing to work hard, and yet do not receive a living wage; who are sometimes unable to feed and shelter their families, etc. What about their anxiety? What about their shame?

Judge Kavanaugh is an elite privileged male among whom mistreating women is widespread. Judge Kavanaugh is also an elite, privileged, rich male, among whom ignoring and mistreating workers is perhaps even more widespread.

(An aside: Why is Trump's support among white men the only demographic group the majority of which still vote Republican? A toxic combination of economic insecurity and racism is, I'm convinced, the answer to that question. My message is this: as surely as women are not going back to acceptance of subservient roles, neither will blacks and other minority members. America is becoming diverse; white folks, get used to it--¡Caramba! it's not a bad thing).

Women are waking up, no longer content to vote against their own interests. Why do so many members of the working-class, Trump's base, continue to vote for hands that bleed them?

I am cautiously optimistic in both regards. All those white faces cheering Trump; Trump himself; his cabinet--all have their parts in the final act of an atavistic, malevolent opera called the twilight of (self-proclaimed) gods.

The curtain is--perhaps--beginning to fall. When will it come down? It depends on you and me. Support women's rights; oppose racism in all its forms; demonize no group, including undereducated white men, who are as human as everyone else; demand justice; demand that all Americans be treated fairly; support workers' rights, etc.  

Things will get better--with your help. Vote! Vote! Vote!

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